About me
I'm an interaction designer, multimedia artist, and researcher. Currently I'm in PhD program in Media Arts and Technology, UC Santa Barbara, and live in Oakland, CA and work on my qualifying exam. I'm a graduate student researcher in Experimental Visualization Lab under Prof. George Legrady. Recently, I've been working data visualization, biometric data visualization and sonification, new interface for musical expression, and mobile user experience design. My recent work "Digiti Sonus" was published in NIME (New Interface for Musical Expression) 2013, and will be exhibited in SIGGRAPH 2013 Art gallery in July, 2013. Before starting my PhD course, I achieved two master degrees in Design | Media Arts in UCLA, and Design (Interaction Design) in Seoul National University.
I love to meet with people and share inspirations and interests with them. If you have any questions on my projects, please don't hesitate to ask me. I'm always welcome to any feedbacks or inquiries on my projects. Also, I'm super happy to talk about any upcoming exhibitions, jobs or any other opportunities in any places.
The best way to contact me is email. Please shoot me email, and I'll reply you as soon as I can.
Looking forward to meeting and talking with you.
Here is my resume (June 26, 2013) and CV is available upon request.
Email address: hanyoonjung (at) gmail.com / yoon (at) mat.ucsb.edu
Facebook: @yoonchunghan
Twitter: @hanryss
Blog: yoonchunghan.wordpress.com